A Fun Place To Get Serious About God
At Celebration, we deeply value spiritual community-coming together to grow in our personal relationship with The Lord. Inspired by Ephesians 2:19 our vision is to move beyond mere community to true family. We believe that God speaks to us individually in the here and now through scripture, guiding and shaping our lives and that the Holy Spirit continues the work of Jesus in each of us and within our neighborhoods. At Celebration, we embrace the joy of worship while getting serious about our walk with God.
We are intensely driven and un-relentlessly going after more of God’s best for ourselves and our community. As we experience God’s goodness in our lives, we are compelled to worship with joyful passion.
Demonstrating generosity with our time, talents and money is simply our natural response to the love and kindness God shows us. God has blessed us in every way so that we can be generous in every way to advance the gospel.
Those who are in Christ, carry His authority and power. God’s Kingdom has been, currently is, and will continue to advance in the earth until the return of Jesus Christ. A lifestyle of prayer is the very thing that fuels that advancement.
We are a church who stays actively involved in our community by serving both the natural and the spiritual needs of the people around us, so there are many ways you can get involved.